GreenEvents Euope - Full Conference Report - released and free download available

green eventsFinally it's done! Green Events Europe have released the "Full Conference Report" for the 4th GreenEvents Europe Conference that took place in late November 2013. It's free for download to everybody.The 75 page pdf with minutes, links, reports and pictures gives a overlook on each and every session, filters major questions and shows the following discussions during the panels. The report simply provides lots of great info about what happened in Bonn at Green Events most successful conference so far.Please feel free to circulate and share the download link in your respective networks. Green Events Europe really ask you to do so! save the date for this year's 5th GreenEvents Europe Conference in Bonn: It will be November 3 & 4 2014. We are looking forward to seeing you there.Last bit: please note the wonderfully assembled 5th international GO Group workshop in Vienna on april 7 & 8. This time it deals with the two day topics "challenges & design" and "communication & audience involvement". This seminar features great speakers from austrian spearhead events like FM4 Frequency Festival and Beatpatrol, from the creative and design sector such as Hugh Dutton Associés, Service Design andCharged Mind and of course institutions like JUMP - young environmental platform, Austrianenvironmental Agency, Bucks New University, Green Music Initiative and Sounds For Nature Foundation e.V.!More info here. Register now - the capacity is limited!




Greener Arena Network - Panel Discussion @ prolight & sound 2014