How UK music festivals are planning for freak weather

In an article from The Guardian, the challenges of extreme weather fuelled by the climate crisis are examined.  Festivals and events are increasingly having to adapt with measures such as flood defences, wildfire response teams and satellite weather-monitoring technology.GEI15 speaker Ric Robins from the Met Office says “Throughout the world, and in the UK, we’re seeing unprecedented weather events...we’re going to have to make plans for weather events that we haven’t seen yet, but are now plausible,”AGF colleague and Water and Sanitation consultant for festivals such as Glastonbury and Boomtown, Jane Healy says:"When you haven’t planned for extreme weather, it’s easy to fall back on the old ways,” she says. For example, shipping in plastic bottles of water. “Quick options, like anything in life, aren’t normally the most sustainable. You’ve got to have your contingencies, even if you don’t use them.”The full article can be found here.


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AGF CEO Claire O'Neill talks sustainability with BBC Radio 6